A Letter to 2017

A Letter to 2017

Dear 2017,

I have remained mute for a while seeing people according you eulogies due to your last digit which connotes perfection, with the strong belief that any imperfect situation in their lives shall be perfected during your reign. To some, you are a year of upliftment, restoration, breakthrough and plenty while to others, you are a year of unstoppable blessings, incessant testimonies, unmerited favour, financial freedom, long life and prosperity.

These prophetic proclamations by these persons are not new. They did same when they wanted to usher in your predecessors but their unshaken belief in your predecessors only turned them into cheap hawkers of propaganda when none of their declarations manifested in their lives. Although most of your predecessors have kept them totally disillusioned countless times, they have remained resolute in believing in you. Will you still behave like your predecessors who acted like our African leaders whose source of joy is the endless pains of the masses?

The reason for my silence is the uncertainty of what your reign will bring. Whether it will be an unforgettable reign of divine blessing or continuous ordeal to these persons who are earnestly waiting for your reign, is what I am not sure of. However, it will interest you to know that in spite of the hardship that encapsulated the reign of your immediate predecessor (2016), she was able to give employment to a few although many were retrenched. Amidst the recessed economic activities in the country, so many persons were able to go on recess in order to spend Christmastide with their families and loved ones. Many graduated, got married and even completed some unfinished projects.

Since government is a continuum, I urge you to continue from where your immediate predecessor (2016) stopped. Uplift those who call you upliftment; show undeserved favour to those who see you as a year of unmerited favour; restore what all those who see you as a year of restoration has lost; tell our maker(God Almighty) who has signed and sealed your arrival to elongate the lives of those who call you 'the year of long life'; constantly bless the pockets, purses and bank accounts of those who see you as a year of financial freedom; grant everybody their hearts' desires and place the person who is reading this letter above his/her equals. Make your reign satisfactory by blessing everyone accordingly. I know you will be great!

I wish you safest journey as I anticipate your arrival in few hours.

Yours faithfully,
Tammy Reuben.