Are you still in that school of thought where science students are regarded as very brilliant and smart whereas arts students are seen as either average students or dullards? My dear friend, I think it is high time you freed yourself from such socially constructed fallacy. We should rather create a balance between the two because nothing is useless in the society. Unlike science students, arts students don't build their world on already existing knowledge. They go extra miles in order to distinguish themselves from their contemporaries and this is achieved through creativity.That is why you see comedians/comediennes, musicians and producers of films and music always coming up with new ideas in order to remain in the market.

Looking at the point we are now in this country(Nigeria), creativity is the only option because even the employed are being sacked on daily basis, so if you are waiting for someone to employ you, you will wait a little longer.

My friends back then in the university(Sikaboro Cynthia, Odigie Faith Omohe, Stephen-gow Obiene Daukoru, Leona Wessey, Agbogidi Faith, Timi Amarowei, Walson Keme etc.) can attest to fact that I have this  passion for teaching, so immediately after my service year, I submitted my CV in different high schools and was subsequently invited for an interview. Unfortunately, no principal/director employed me because they were looking for teachers with experience. How can I be experienced when you have refused to employ me? Well, that is Nigeria for you and I didn't(and still don't) blame them because they wanted the best for their students based on who 'dem be.'

I was totally disillusioned and thought of what to do until the idea of creating my Facebook page(Tammy's English and Literary Home) and subsequently my blog(Tammy's English and Literary Blog) visited my heart. A blog and page where at least I can teach the public the English Language free of charge. I never had the intention of making profit from it despite what I have spent. It was only a manifestation of my passion for teaching but little did I know that these blog and page would sell me within a short period of time. Today, without application, I am a teacher of English Language and English Literature in three private schools. Whereas I'm a full time teacher in one of the schools, I work as a part time teacher in the other two. My very good friend and colleague, Amadi Godswill, told me something like this sometime ago but I didn't take it seriously. I never knew he was a soothsayer. Thanks my friend!

Your passion might not be teaching but in whatever area you are good at, try to use it to add value to society and society will no doubt add value to your life. Look for different ways you can sell yourself by showcasing your talent.

I'm profoundly grateful to God Almighty for the wonderful idea and unmerited favour. To you my wonderful friend and reader, may God who owes no man, richly bless you for reading, liking, commenting on and sharing my posts. My employers saw what I got to offer because you shared, commented on, liked and read my post. God bless you! I will never stop telling you all you need to know about the English Language.

Those of you seeking for job, may God give you a miracle job! Amen! Cheers to y'all! I'm much obliged! I really appreciate! Ta!